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    Litayeth's Bio

    Silvy Dean
    Silvy Dean
    The Fearless Leader

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    Litayeth's Bio Empty Litayeth's Bio

    Post by Silvy Dean Thu Apr 05, 2018 9:24 am

    CoL-Litayeth Bio

    When Litayeth was born, her parents thought her a boy, and thought her dead as she was born blue. When she started to move her limbs, her tail became apparent. Disgusted and frightened, her mother pushed the baby Litayeth away into the father's arms, who then in turn walked out and tossed her in the closest river.  A damned child from the start had no place among them.

    Their neighbor, Ajid, was fishing and saw all of this. At first he did not want to meddle in the affairs of others, but his good heart could not bare the thought of the baby drowning. He plucked her out of the water by her heel and took her home. He stayed in his home just long enough to dry her off, pack up his things and strap her to his chest. Making a long journey to a town to find her food and himself a place to rest.

    This would not be their home, however. Many people spoke curses and distrust upon seeing the baby Ajid had with him. He would have to travel much farther and longer to find a place to raise such a child. Tieflings were considered unclean, devil touched and proof of a family who bore evil ways. Alone, he would make his way to a City further North from where he was born. Until he started to see other's of strange appearance start to emerge from their homes with less fear upon their faces.

    Here he would raise Litayeth at arms length. He did not know how to be a father. He loved her like one, or so he felt. Disciplined her when she was bad, praised her when she was good. Taught her everything he knew and attempted to get her everything she wanted. She worked hard, helped with his stone work up until she was sixteen years of age. One night she came home late, and in his rage he grabbed her arm and shook her so hard she fell to the floor dazed.

    In all his time caring for Lita over the years, he had never been so violent with her. It was all he could do to keep himself from strangling her with his bare hands. Yelling at the top of his lungs for her to sit in the corner where he would watch her for three days straight. On the third day, his voice gravel and barely audible he blinked at the cowered child in the corner and felt his heart break. "Get out and never come back."

    Shoving bags and clothes into Lita's arms, he pushed her, chased her down the street telling her to get lost and to stay away. All the while she cried and regretted ever speaking to the silk merchant for so long. Then maybe she wouldn't have come home so late and her father would still love her.

    Her father would not be the last to be so cruel to her. Each home she came to rest in, people would act strangely. In one town, there were several murders. Another had an elf that stole everything he could get his hands upon just to give to some beggar woman on the street. It wasn't long till Lita met her first love, a young human man who touched her hand to get her attention. He paid her the kindest of compliments.

    Told her how beautiful she was, how he adored her from first sight. He left his fiance for her and asked her to marry him. After two days apart, while she waited for him in the woods so they could run away together, a group of angry people arrived. He was with them. He was just as angry as they were at her. She was obviously a witch. How else could she have swayed him so heavily. A good church boy like him with such a hideous demon as herself?

    They threw rocks, and sticks, threatened to string her up and burn her alive. It wasn't much but enough for her to run. She lost everything that day. He was not the first or last to break her heart.

    The next few towns was more of the same. People giving her gifts then taking them away. People telling her how much they loved her, only to damn her and call her a thief for taking the gifts they gave her. Some just simply walking away and never coming back from their adventure.

    Eventually she started to wall off her heart and feelings. Taking the gifts and leaving before they could do it to her. Why should she care if they give her such nice things? She wasn't about to give them back.

    One night, at an old tavern, a man grabbed hold of her bare shoulder and pulled her in to say a rather disgusting thing. She shrugged him off, glared at him and left. It took her a while to find a place to camp further down the road, but by morning he was there hovering over her. That look in his eye made her cower, as it reminded her of Ajid. Only Ajid could hold back his intent that night. Before she knew it his hands were around her throat.

    After a struggle, when she was ready to just give in and let her sad story come to a end. Her eyes closed and a jolt followed by a heavy feeling upon her chest as if she were pinned down. Then a gasp of air, followed by another. The weight was lifted off of her chest. "Come on little one." She heard Ajid's voice in her dream. "That's it... good girl."

    When she woke, she threw back the blanket from her shoulder and looked around the small campsite. Aside from the blood on her white shirt, there was no sign of anyone but herself. "Dad?" Even with her strangled pipes, the word hardly left her lips as a desperate sadness welled up inside her. Hands shaking she looked around in the empty woods for anyone. Then suddenly "DADDY?!" she screamed... A long pause with no answer. She fell to her knees sobbing, and would remain that way to nearly dusk. Then she would move on to the next region and town. Trying to forget her hope that someone was watching out for her.

    Things you might hear Lita say.
    "Human love is fickle and weak. I'll take a demon's lust any day. At least then one is satisfied."
    "Prove that this is yours and not mine. Half of the tavern watched the exchange. You want it back, pay in equal or greater trade."
    "I've heard that one before."
    "You sound like an echo from my past. You want to just skip to the end where you leave?"

    ((Out of character Information: Litayeth does not know this, but her skin creates a toxin that causes those (whom touch her) to become obsessed. They do not always become obsessed over her, it can be over anyone or anything. This toxin did not start to develop until she was of age and, if you can guess, she has kept on the move for fear of her own life when people start to act strange around her. So she has not learned it is her causing it yet. She has abandonment and trust issues -oooobviously- and takes a while to warm up to someone new. Unless you show shiny objects, then she just goes along with whatever till those shiny things are hers. Yes, she had a savior that night. No it was not Ajid. Just another who was still under the toxin's effects. Yes, Ajid figured it out and this is why he forced her to leave. He does not know if this is what made him care for her in the first place or if it has always been. But better safe than sorry. thanks for reading! \o))

    Last edited by Silvy Dean on Thu Apr 05, 2018 10:30 am; edited 3 times in total
    Silvy Dean
    Silvy Dean
    The Fearless Leader

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    Litayeth's Bio Empty Re: Litayeth's Bio

    Post by Silvy Dean Thu Apr 05, 2018 9:31 am

    Litayeth's Bio 41210616662_7f5387ce09_zLitayeth by absoluteschizo, on Flickr

    Last edited by Silvy Dean on Thu Apr 05, 2018 10:12 am; edited 1 time in total
    Silvy Dean
    Silvy Dean
    The Fearless Leader

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    Litayeth's Bio Empty Re: Litayeth's Bio

    Post by Silvy Dean Thu Apr 05, 2018 9:34 am

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